Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Born Again!

So I decided to try and follow ShelbyDee because she is a talented writer and has an interesting outlook on all things life and God. Her mother Karen Spears Zacharias is one of my writing heroes and she is just an overall great person. Well, in the process of doing so, I re-discovered this blog I apparently started years ago and had forgotten about! Interestingly enough, in my last post I talked about posting more. How funny! This blog is Born Again!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

So sorry for the temporary abandonment!

So I used to blog on here a long time ago - two years or so. I lost my password and - well, since it's Easter and all - I was able to resurrect my password! I will start posting more stuff on here again. A lot of fun things happening around here in rural Tennessee. I'm excited to start posting on here again - thanks - whoever you are reading this!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Santa Claus Church Sign

This sign is at the church out on Peavine Rd. in Crossville. It really caught my eye. I can't believe they put this up there. Just because you believe in Santa, doesn't have to mean you don't believe in Jesus Christ. The sign really bothered me. A symbol of hope and love isn't an automatic attack against Christ. Why make it out to be that?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Car smashes into Big O Doughnuts

If having a porta-potty blown into the street wasn't enough action for one day, a car had to smash into a doughnut shop. Tuesday afternoon a woman was pulling into a parking space at Big O Doughnuts. Well, she accidently hit the gas pedal instead of the brake and the car lunged over the sidewalk and smashed into the dining area of the doughnut shop. Please take note of the fireman ordering doughnuts at the counter! Crossville Chronicle photo.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Porta-Potty Hell!

This is unbelievable! The wind has been blowing so hard like crazy here today. So I hear a call on the scanner about a porta-potty being blown over into the street. So I went out there and grabbed a quick pick. The city workers had to come out and move the thing and it was nasty. Apparently some of the goods had spilled out. Anyway, notice the fine case of irony here. A plumbing sign in the background. I'm just glad I didn't have to help move it!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Flying Spaghetti Monster initiates change!

After a few short weeks of adorning the Cumberland County Courthouse lawn, the Flying Spaghetti Monster has made a mark. County commissioners on the buildings and grounds committee decided to eliminate and evict all displays on the courthouse grounds. No more chainsaw carved Moses, Statue of Liberty, Monkeys or Bears or FSM... No long-term displays will be permitted as of May 1. Apparently the FSM was a little too much for the public and the county commission to take. I am going to miss his noodly appendages, though. Oh well. I guess sometimes it takes a brick in the forehead to make someone realize they are walking into a brick wall. LOL! This is an interesting, yet predicted turn of events!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

More People Smitten with FSM!

There are more and more people in Crossville, TN smitten by the beautiful Flying Spaghetti Monster adorning our courthouse lawn. I've heard that pirates will be making a weekly journey to see his holy noodleyness each Saturday at 3 p.m. in order to visit, worship and be touched by his noodly appendages. The County Mayor Brock Hill even issued a statement that he thought the FSM was made to ridicule and minimize Christianity.
Now our beloved noodly courthouse lawn ornament has people leaping to his holy defense. Ariel, is to be commended for her courage and artwork in using the system to enable all of us to enjoy such a treasure in front of the county's courthouse. Her use of the first amendment right in this case is stunning!